Bella Coola set under the snow-covered peaks. Of course most all of BC is under snow-covered peaks this spring!
Double-parked without getting a ticket.
The town is about 3 klicks (kilometers) east of the marina so Pat was forward with a dock tenant as he approached his vehicle, and we were offered a ride. We visited the town, consumed a couple Sleemans Honey Browns and checked out the local hardware store, which of course was closed on Sunday. The town was pretty deserted and looked a bit down, but the few people around seemed happy.
Sunday evening the wind blew up into the 20-knot range. With a few additional lines run to a large steel work boat, the heavy Selenes rocked and rolled, but couldn’t break free of the dock or each other.
Thanks for the picture of Bella Coola. I've Google Map "seen" it but that's as close as I've gotten. It's on my list of places to stop next time I Inside Passage. Last time I made the trip was in 1978!